Rules of Conduct and Safety

Have your pass or cash ready when boarding.

When boarding and exiting, watch your step and do not cross in front of the vehicle. Please allow customers to exit the bus before boarding.

For the comfort of all passengers, smoking, eating, drinking, chewing tobacco or using illegal substances are prohibited while riding the bus.

Please use a headset when playing an audio device, and keep the volume low so that others are not disturbed.

Be considerate of other passengers when using personal communication devices. Keep the conversation brief and your voice low.

Limit your conversation with the driver to questions regarding services only, so the driver can focus their attention on safe driving.

A driver may refuse to transport a passenger who appears to be under the influence of alcohol, illegal or dangerous substances, or whose behavior or language appears abusive, offensive, disorderly or dangerous to himself, the driver or other passengers.

Take a seat if one is available and remain seated while the bus is moving.

Please give your seat to any person who, because of age or physical condition, is less able to stand or move to the rear of the bus than you are.

For the safety of all, passengers shall not place articles in the aisles.

Falling asleep while riding is unsafe. Riders who are asleep are at risk of being injured from unexpected vehicle movements or braking, as well as theft and injury.

Keep hold of your belongings. Items may be held on your lap, stowed at your feet or placed in overhead storage spaces, but should never block aisles, obstruct seats or be left unattended.

Most buses feature exterior bike racks located at the front of the vehicle. Only folded bicycles are permitted inside the buses.

CARTS is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Remember to take personal items with you.

Please do not leave trash on the bus.

Pets, emotional support, and comfort animals are allowed on CARTS vehicles ONLY in approved animal carriers. The pet must remain inside the carrier throughout the trip duration.

Strollers are permitted but must be folded before boarding the bus.

Drivers may ask riders who do not observe the rules to leave the bus.