Fares are set by zones. A CARTS customer service agent will inform you of ride costs when booking the trip. All fares are based on a oneway trip. Half-price fare is available for registered CARTS Customers, Seniors 65 and older, Persons with Disabilities, and Children Under 12. For more information on purchasing bus fare, click here.
990 Express Manor/Elgin: Journey app available on google play and apple stores. Exact cash or purchased ticket accepted when boarding. This route is a partnership with CapMetro so there are two fares. CARTS Charges for Elgin to Manor and from Manor to Elgin and Metro charges from Manor to Austin and Austin to Manor.
CARTS Fare Prices are $2 One-Way from Elgin/Manor $55 Monthly Pass. Metro Fare Prices are $3.50 One-way from Manor/Austin or $7.50 for Day Pass.
All of our buses and vans are wheelchair accessible. When scheduling service, mention that you need this type of service. Also mention any type of assistance that you might need or if someone will be traveling with you to assist you.
Persons with disabilities are entitled to discounted fares when traveling on CARTS. Certification of a disability by a physician or qualified medical professional is required.
For more information on ADA policies and disability information, click here.
The online services are here to help customers communicate with our Reservations Center. Call our Reservations Center at 512-478-7433 to talk to a Reservationist about your trip or get information about our services.