Press Release
Free Rides to the Polls
Austin, TX October 14, 2024:
The Capital Area Rural Transportation System, along with many Texas transit providers, taxis, and ride-share services, will offer free rides to and from polls for both early voting and Election Day.
CARTS will be offering free rides for voters during early voting and to voters headed to the polls on Election Day, Tuesday, November 5th. Texas voters can vote before Election Day. The early voting period runs from Monday, October 21, 2024, to Friday, November 1, 2024, but dates and hours may vary based on where you live. Passenger can ride for FREE on CARTS Country Bus and CARTS NOW on-demand services.
CARTS provides transportation for the non-urbanized areas of Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Travis, and Williamson counties.
The CARTS NOW on demand service operates Monday through Friday in the city limits of Bastrop, Taylor, Marble Falls, La Grange, Elgin and Lockhart from 7am to 7pm. You can use the promo code earlyvote2024 to get a Free ride to the polls and then use the same code to schedule a ride back. You can schedule your ride by downloading the CARTS NOW app on the google play store or at the App store or by calling 512-505-5666.
Anyone in the CARTS 9 County District will also be able to use the CARTS Country Bus service to assist them in getting to the polls. Please check the schedules for your area at
Schedules may vary based on availability in your area.
If you live in the CARTS rural service area, please schedule your Country Bus ride 24 hours in advance by calling 1-512-478-RIDE (7433) and indicate your wish to travel to a polling location. CARTS provides advance reservation, shared ride
service with its Country Bus system to thousands of Central Texas customers. Sixty mini-buses and vans operate this flexible general public, elderly and disabled paratransit service throughout the region.
Free rides will not be offered on CARTS Interurban Coach Regional routes.
For more information visit, email or contact the call center at 512-478-RIDE (7433).